OIE staff can assist with information needed to inform decision-making.
Before submitting a request, we invite you to explore our website for many sources of readily available, historical, and official information about our students, faculty, and staff. If the information you are seeking cannot be found in any of the reports available on the IE website, please use this form to request additional data. Please be sure to complete all fields and include a detailed description of your request.
If you are looking to conduct a survey, please visit our Surveys page.
Typical time for processing requests is 1 to 2 weeks; however, things like time of year and complexity may impact how long it takes to complete the request. Please provide accurate contact information, as you may be contacted to discuss your request in more detail.
Once you submit your request, OIE will contact you within 3 business days with a status update.
OIE reports on census data as of the Registrar's Official Census Day.
Note: All data requests will strictly comply with the guidelines set forth by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Much of the data used in reporting and analysis is based on historical and official college data. Data from the most recent term is usually available around 6 weeks after the term’s completion. Other data are census-based. The Census date is set by the Registrar’s is generally the fourth week of the term. Requests pertaining to that term will be available by the fifth week of the term. OIE staff can provide information on the most recent data available for your specific needs.
OIE is currently building out self-service dashboards. These dashboards are found on Inside Goucher (Goucher credentials required to authenticate).
OIE may also be able to assist you with information about/for:
OIE is not able to provide any information on faculty or staff. Please reach out to Human Resources for this information.
All data requests made to OIE will follow Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) guidelines. This federal law protects the privacy of student educational records and personally identifiable information. For more information on FERPA at Goucher College, click here. (http://0251.tdwang.net/registrar/ferpa-information/)
PII includes data that are collected and maintained by the College that can be used to uniquely identify, contact, or locate a single person. PII includes sensitive, or confidential information associated with an individual person, such as an employee, student, staff, or donor, and includes email addresses as well as any information allowing a reasonable person to deduce the identity of an individual. It can include multiple releases of seemingly de-identified information that can cumulatively create the likelihood of identifying a specific individual. PII should be accessed only on a strictly need-to-know basis and handled and stored with care per federal, state, and institutional guidelines. Campus employees with access to information as an official job duty are prohibited from use of PII beyond what is required to do their job and from allowing access to third parties and/or distributing survey documents on behalf of third parties.
Further restrictions on access and use of student PII is protected by FERPA.